You're Home with Team Gale - Affordable Housing

Jody Wainio from Buyer Choice Realty sat down with Tom Gale on the "You're Home" show this weekend to talk about affordable housing options in New Hanover County.

Wainio has been involved with affordable housing since 2005, serving on various committees and boards. Wainio was quick to point out that "affordable housing" has become synonymous with "public housing," though they are quite different. The earmark for a "burdened" homeowner is anyone who shells out more than 30% of their annual income to mortgage, insurance, and property maintenance.

The pair discussed the 16-hour "Workforce Housing Specialist" certification, a beneficial designation for realtors. There is an entire class of buyers eligible for down payment assistance grants and it would behoove agents to be well versed in such programs to get more worthy candidates into homes.


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Posted in Buyer Tips, Team Gale, You're Home with Team Gale Radio on May 18, 2015